Worksheet on the sky contains the various types of questions on sun, moon and stars. Read the concept to answers the questions on sun, moon and stars.
I. Answer the following questions:
1. What do you see in the day sky?
2. What do you see in the night sky?
3. What is the shape of the sun?
4. What do we get from the sun?
5. What causes formation of day and night?
6. When do we can see the moon and the stars in the sky?
7. Which is bigger — the sun or the earth?
8. Why do stars look so small?
9. Why do stars look tiny to us?
10. Where do we live?
II. Fill the blanks with the correct words given below:
sun, axis, fire, east, night
1. The sun is a huge ball of ____________.
2. The earth moves round the__________.
3. The earth also moves on its own_________.
4. Stars shine at______________.
5. The sun rises in the___________.
III. Put a tick (√) against the correct sentences and a cross (X) against the wrong ones:
1. The sun rises in the west.
2. The moon has its own light.
3. The sun moves round the moon.
4. The Earth is a huge ball of fire.
5. The stars have their own light
IV. Match the column A with the column B:
1. The sun rises (a) appears once in a month.
2. The sun sets (b) is a planet.
3. The full moon (c) in the west.
4. The earth (d) in the east
V. Choose the correct word and fill in the blanks:
1. Sun rises in the _________. (east/west)
2. The part of the earth not facing the sun has the _________. (day/night)
3. _________ is bigger than earth. (Moon/Sun)
4. _________ gets its light from sun. (Moon/Stars)
5. We cannot count the number of _________. (stars/moon)
Check the answers of the worksheet on the sky:
I. 1. In the day, we see sun and clouds in the sky.
2. At night we see moon and stars in the sky.
3. The shape of the sun is a huge ball of fire
4. We get heat and light from the sun.
5. The motion of earth around the sun causes formation of day and night.
6. We see the moon and the stars in the sky at night.
7. Sun is bigger.
8. Stars look small because they are very far away from us.
9. Stars look tiny to us because they are very far away from us.
10. We live on the earth.
II. 1. fire
2. sun
3. axis
4. night
5. east
III. 1. X
2. X
3. X
4. X
5. √
1. The sun rises (d) in the east
2. The sun sets (c) in the west.
3. The full moon (a) appears once in a month.
4. The earth (b) is a planet.
V. 1. east
2. night
3. Sun
4. Moon
5. stars
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