Fourth grade has been designed in accordance with the recommended topics. In this grade we will cover science, math and English in very exciting and interesting way. Science, Math and English are very vast subjects and hence it is indeed very difficult to integrate all the related aspects of various topics in a small and expressive way like this. Special importance is given for creating attractive layout on developing the concepts rather than merely providing information.
However, utmost care has been taken to represent the matters in a very lucid way to mitigate the inquisitiveness of the young minds for science, math and English of the 4th grade standard.
Living Things:
Animals living on both Land and Water
Adaptation for Food in Animals
Adaptation for Protection in Animals
Plant and its Flowers and Fruits
Interdependence of Plants and Animals
Animals that give Birth to Babies
Carbohydrates for Quick Energy
Water is Necessary for Our Body
Human Body, Health and Hygiene
Disposal of Liquid Wastes and Solid Wastes
Prevention of Diseases and Harmful Germs
Influence and Effect of Weather
Cloud, Dew, Fog, Frost and Snow
The Planets and The Solar System
Effects of Air and Water Pollution
Biodegradable and Non-biodegradable Waste
Worksheet on Adaptation in Animals
Worksheet on Adaptation in Plants
Worksheet on How Plants make Food
Worksheet on Plant and its Different Parts
Worksheet on uses of Plants and Animals
Worksheet on Interdependence of Plants and Animals
Worksheet on Reproduction in Animals
Worksheet on Food and Food Preservation
Worksheet on Human Body, Health and Hygiene
Worksheet on Teeth and Microbes
Worksheet on Safety and First Aid
Worksheet on Water in Our Life
Worksheet on Sanitation and Harmful Germs
Worksheet on Matter and Materials
Worksheet on Air, Water and Weather
Worksheet on Force, Work and Energy
From Biodegradable and Non-biodegradable Waste to HOME PAGE
Feb 27, 25 02:07 PM
Dec 02, 24 12:09 AM
Jun 06, 24 10:40 AM
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Feb 04, 24 01:57 PM
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