Word Problems on Decimals

This topic discusses about word problems or story sums on decimal numbers. It will give an overall idea to the students that how word problems on addition, subtraction; multiplication and division on decimals are solved.

Here are few examples to illustrate each of the different types (addition, subtraction; multiplication and division) of word problems on decimal

1. Ivan went to the stationery book stall to purchase few items. He bought 5 notebooks for $ 7.25, 2 pens for $ 3.56, and 1 pencil and 2 erasers for $ 2. 89. Find the amount spent by Ivan at the stationery store.


Cost of 5 notebooks                           = $  7 . 2 5

Cost of 2 pens                                   = $  3 . 5 6

Cost of 1 pencil and 2 erasers             = $  2 . 8 9

Total cost of all the items                   = $13 . 7 0

Amount spent by Ivan at the stationery store $ 13.70


Here the amount of money spent on different amounts are given. So we need to add each of the amounts to find the total amount spent.

2. There are 4 bags of wheat in the storehouse. Each bag of wheat weighs 70.41 kg. Find the total weight of all 4 bags of wheat.


No. of bags of wheat              = 4

Weight of each bag of wheat   = 70.41 kg

Weight of all 4 bags of wheat  = 4 × 70.41 kg

            7 0 . 4 1

            ×        4

         2 8 1 . 6 4

Therefore, total weight of all 4 bags of wheat = 281.64 kgs


Here the weight of each bag of wheat is given. So to find the weight of 4 bags of wheat either we have to do repeated addition (adding the weight of each bag four times) or multiplication

3. George has $ 159.47 in this wallet. He spent $ 120.25 for buying a gift item. Find the amount of money left with George?


Amount of money George has in his wallet               = $ 1 5 9 . 4 7

Amount of money George spent on buying gift   -     = $  1 2 0 . 2 5

Amount of money left with George                          = $     3 9 . 2 2


Therefore, amount of money left with George $ 3 9 . 2 2


Amount of money George had is $ 159.47 and amount of money spent on buying gift is $ 120.25. Therefore in order to find out the amount of money left we need to subtract.

4. Alex bought 6 shirts for $ 123.90 for the purpose of giving to his cousins on New Year. Find the price paid by Alex on each of the shirt.


Cost of 6 shirts            = $  1 2 3 . 9 0

Cost of 1 shirts            = $  1 2 3 . 9 0 ÷ 6

Word Problems on Decimals

Therefore, cost of each shirt = $ 20.65


Cost of 6 shirts is given and we need to divide the cost of 6 shirts by 6 to get the cost of each shirt.

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