This topic discusses about word problems or story sums on decimal numbers. It will give an overall idea to the students that how word problems on addition, subtraction; multiplication and division on decimals are solved.
Here are few examples to illustrate each of the different types (addition, subtraction; multiplication and division) of word problems on decimal
1. Ivan went to the stationery book stall to purchase few items. He bought 5 notebooks for $ 7.25, 2 pens for $ 3.56, and 1 pencil and 2 erasers for $ 2. 89. Find the amount spent by Ivan at the stationery store.
Cost of 5 notebooks = $ 7 . 2 5
Cost of 2 pens = $ 3 . 5 6
Cost of 1 pencil and 2 erasers = $ 2 . 8 9
Total cost of all the items = $13 . 7 0
Amount spent by Ivan at the stationery store $ 13.70
Here the amount of money spent on different amounts are given. So we need to add each of the amounts to find the total amount spent.
2. There are 4 bags of wheat in the storehouse. Each bag of wheat weighs 70.41 kg. Find the total weight of all 4 bags of wheat.
No. of bags of wheat = 4
Weight of each bag of wheat = 70.41 kg
Weight of all 4 bags of wheat = 4 × 70.41 kg
7 0 . 4 1
× 4
2 8 1 . 6 4
Therefore, total weight of all 4 bags of wheat = 281.64 kgs
Here the weight of each bag of wheat is given. So to find the weight of 4 bags of wheat either we have to do repeated addition (adding the weight of each bag four times) or multiplication
3. George has $ 159.47 in this wallet. He spent $ 120.25 for buying a gift item. Find the amount of money left with George?
Amount of money George has in his wallet = $ 1 5 9 . 4 7
Amount of money George spent on buying gift - = $ 1 2 0 . 2 5
Amount of money left with George = $ 3 9 . 2 2
Therefore, amount of money left with George $ 3 9 . 2 2
Amount of money George had is $ 159.47 and amount of money spent on buying gift is $ 120.25. Therefore in order to find out the amount of money left we need to subtract.
4. Alex bought 6 shirts for $ 123.90 for the purpose of giving to his cousins on New Year. Find the price paid by Alex on each of the shirt.
Cost of 6 shirts = $ 1 2 3 . 9 0
Cost of 1 shirts = $ 1 2 3 . 9 0 ÷ 6
Therefore, cost of each shirt = $ 20.65
Cost of 6 shirts is given and we need to divide the cost of 6 shirts by 6 to get the cost of each shirt.
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