Uses of Minerals

We will discuss here about the importance and uses of minerals and natural resources in our life. Modern civilization is based on minerals and several other natural resources. These are very much important for better living.

We have already discussed the utilities of iron, steel, copper and aluminium in the daily life of modern civilization. Zinc is another useful metal, which is used for preparing different types of electrical cells. Zinc plating prevents rusting of iron. Bronze is an alloy of zinc and copper, which is used to make ornaments and to cast statues. Gold, silver, platinum are the most valuable metals used exclusively for making precious ornaments.

Coal and petroleum are the most valuable minerals stored under the Earth’s crust. They have major contribution to the total energy supply.

Scientists have discovered many radioactive minerals like radium and urenium. Urenium is a rare mineral, which can be used to generate enormous quantity of energy within nuclear reactors. This type of energy is called nuclear energy. These radioactive elements must be used for benefit of mankind but not for destruction.

“The Earth has enough for everybody’s need but not enough for everybody’s greed”, said Mahatma Gandhi. So we should utilize natural resources in controlled manner and must take serious steps to conserve it.

Fifth Grade

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