Importance of Communication

Communication or the art of being able to convey facts, information, ideas, concepts, beliefs , instructions, even  thoughts, feelings, expressions, opinions in the sense that they are meant to is sometimes at its simplest but at most times quite intricate. Any Human interaction requires effective Communication as its keystone. Any activity or transaction which involves more than one person entails communication between them to streamline the process. A concept which forms an entire subject in Management classes and forms the base for development of an organization without which all other steps such as Planning, Organizing, Motivating and controlling shall fall flat.

It always seems to me so strange that a process which takes place with no training, no effort, no learning between a child and mother should take up so many pages to be able to grasp in its entirety. A child is able to get across his worst fears, apprehensions, and his best desires and dreams so with such ease to his mother without even grasping the rudiments of language which forms the major chunk of communication that it leads to the sub-topic that there must be many types of communication. 

Some of which are:

1. Verbal Communication: The most obvious form of communication which happens to put across information, facts, instructions and thoughts and feelings. In case of small, informal gatherings this form of communication has the maximum chance of success in eliciting the optimum response.

2.  Written Communication: In large, impersonal gatherings though verbal communication helps to motivate, sway and enflame the feelings of the audience involved, the reason being for its popularity among political leaders, written communication is deemed more permanent. Where retention of information, facts and instructions is of utmost importance, written communication holds the key to elicit best response.

3.  Body Language/ Non-verbal Communication: This involves gestures, body and eye movements and facial changes and postures to generate our fear, apprehensions, anger, and intense emotions. Especially useful to express our personality and establish authority or show our humaneness, this works better in informal gatherings, rather than formal ones.

4.  Digital Medium: With the advent of Computers and internet, the digital medium has taken over the world by storm. The largest chunk of dissemination of information is now done through this particular medium but the lack of accreditation of most sites, makes one wary about the authenticity and genuineness of the facts received.

Communication is the key to all our inter-personal and professional relationships. Two people gravitate towards each other on the basis of striking the right note in communication, lack of which can wreak havoc and disrupt normal life. It works as the single most potent determinant in harboring ill or positive feeling towards others and our forefathers were right in cautioning us that “What matters more in not what you say, but how you say it.

Without effective communication, humanity shall once again recede in the dark cess pool of ignorance. Sharing and partaking of information, latest developments, instructions, thoughts, feelings, not only amidst people existing in a particular generation but across many generations for years to come depends on the free flowing fluid communication process.

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