Mood in English grammar is the manner or approach with which the sentence is presented.
There are basically three kinds of Mood which we are discussing in this genre:
1. Indicative Mood – This is used to state facts.
2. Imperative Mood - This is used to issue command, orders and instructions.
3. Subjunctive Mood - This is used to state things that are not facts: wishes, possibilities, doubts, suggestions and conditions.
Imperative Mood, in specific is a grammatical structure that forms a command or a request.
For Example:
· Keep Quiet.
· You can keep the change
(Keep being a verb here, the 1st sentence is an example of Imperative Mood. The second being Indicative. Note, the difference in tenor of both the sentences. The word ‘you‘is implicitly understood in the 1st sentence though it is not always explicitly stated.)
· Imperative Mood can either be a command or a polite request.
· It can be a Command, an advice or suggestion.
· The Imperative sentences does not usually contain a subject as it is understood to be ‘you’. The word ‘you‘may sometimes be mentioned, sometimes left out.
· A euphemistic manner of toning down an Imperative sentence is by adding the usage of the word ‘Please’.
· It is one of the irrealis moods.
· It is used for the purpose of ordering someone or asking someone to do something or to offer advice or to extend encouragement or to render instructions or to make suggestions.
· Please maintain silence. (Command)
· Get out! (Command)
· Take the dog out!(Order)
· Come here, immediately! (Command)
· Please take out the garbage. (Instruction)
· Please, pay attention. (Instruction)
· Pass the soup, please! (Request)
· Run for your life! (Order)
· Shout when you see the red flag! (Order)
Imperative sentences are of two types:
1. Affirmative / Positive sentences
They are formed with the infinitive of the Verb without using the word ‘to’.
· Take the next right turn.
· Switch off the gas!
2. Negative Imperatives
They are formed with the infinitive of the verb together with do + not.
· Do not make noise.
· Don’t drive fast.
Infinitive To be To do To eat To drink To go To sleep To stay To stop To study To wait |
Base Be Do Eat Drink Go Sleep Stay Stop Study Wait |
Affirmative Imperatives Be Do Eat Drink Go Sleep Stay Stop Study Wait |
Negative Imperatives Do not be Do not do Do not Eat Do not drink Do not go Do not sleep Do not stay Do not stop Do not study Do not wait |
Points to Consider:
1. The Imperative form is understood as being in the 2nd person, though the pronoun ‘you’ may or may not be present, although at times , it may be included for emphatic reasons with no clarity provided for singular or plural indicators.
Leave the class !
2. 1st and 3rd person imperatives are expressed periphrastically using the construction “Let’s” (Let us).
· Let’s have a drink! (1st person plural imperative)
· Let him/ her/ them rejoice. ( 3rd person imperative)
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