Domestic animals help us in many ways. There are different types of animals. Some animals are tamed and kept at home and in farms. They are called domestic animals. Domestic animals and pet animals are very useful to us.
Some of the domestic animals are sheep, horse, goat, cow, sheep, etc.
Animals that give us food:
Some animals like cows and goats give us milk. We drink milk to grow and become strong. Milk is used to make cheese, butter and ghee.
Hens and ducks lay eggs. Some people eat eggs.
Some people eat the flesh of animals like hens and goats. Such people are called non-vegetarian. Some people do not eat the meat called vegetarian.
We get honey and wax from beehives.
other things we get from animals:
Some animals give us fibres which we use to make cloth. We get silk thread from silkworm. We get wool from sheep. Wool is used to make sweaters and shawls. Leather is made from the skin of some animals like snake and cow. Leather is used to make shoes and clothes.
Some animals help us and make our work easy:
Some animals like donkeys, elephants, camels and horses carry heavy loads for us. We use some animals such as horse, elephants, and camels for riding.
Pet animals:
Some animals like dogs, cat, rabbits, fish and parrot are kept at home for our entertainment. They are known as pet animals. Pets help us in many ways. A dog guards our house all the time. They are parts of our family. We should keep our pet animals clean. Animals are our friends. We should not tease them. We should be kind to them and look after them.
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