There are different methods of cooking food. Some of the cooking methods are boiling, steaming, frying, roasting, baking, etc.
Some of the food items and their method of cooking are given below:
(i) In boiling method of cooking we cook some of the food items such as rice, potato, egg, etc.
(ii) In steaming method of cooking we cook some of the food items such as idli, dhokla, etc.
(iii) In deep-frying method of cooking we cook some of the food items such as poori, samosa, etc.
(iv) In shallow-frying method of cooking we cook some of the food items such as paratha, dosa, etc.
(v) In roasting method of cooking we cook some of the food
items such as chapati, brinjal, potato, meat, etc.
(vi) In baking method of cooking we cook some of the food items such as biscuit, cake, etc.
Some foods such as carrots, cucumber, lettuce and fruits can be eaten raw. We must properly wash them before eating to get rid from dust and germs.
Other foods such as cereals and vegetables are cooked before eating. Cooking makes them soft, tasty and easy to chew and digest. The heat of cooking kills germs that can make us sick.
Cooking should be done properly, otherwise nutrients in food will get lost.
For cooking food we should remember the following:
(i) Food should not be overcooked. This destroys nutrients.
(ii) Vegetables and fruits should be washed before cutting them. Washing them after cutting removes many nutrients.
(iii) Food should be cooked in required water. Cooking in too much water and then throwing away the water takes away nutrients with the water.
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