This topic would discuss about conversion of fractions into decimal numbers. Previously we have learnt conversion of decimals into fractional number by writing the decimal number in the numerator leaving the decimal point and 1 in the denominator followed by as many zeros as the number of places after the decimal point.
While converting fractional number with denominator as 10, 100, 1000, 10000 and so on.
For Example:
Convert 875/1000 into decimal
Now there are 3 zeros in the denominator
Therefore counting left from the ones place we will move three places as there are 3 zeros
= 0.875
In front of the decimal point if there is no number then we write 0 in the beginning
Here are few examples on conversion of fractions into decimal numbers:
1. Convert 80455/100 into decimal.
Now there are 2 zeros in the denominator
Therefore counting left from the ones place we will move two places as there are 2 zeros
= 804.55
2. Convert 85/10 into decimal.
Now there is 1 zero in the denominator
Therefore counting left from the ones place we will move one place as there is one zeros
= 8.5
3. Convert 23074/10000 into decimal.
Now there are 4 zeros in the denominator
Therefore counting left from the ones place we will move four places as there are 4 zeros
= 2.3074
4. Convert 11023/1000 into decimal.
Now there are 3 zeros in the denominator
Therefore counting left from the ones place we will move three places as there are 3 zeros
= 11.023
5. Convert 5632/100 into decimal.
Now there are 2 zeros in the denominator
Therefore counting left from the ones place we will move two places as there are 2 zeros
= 56.32
6. Convert 68985/10000 into decimal.
Now there are 4 zeros in the denominator
Therefore counting left from the ones place we will move four places as there are 4 zeros
= 6.8985
7. Convert 456/1000 into decimal
Now there are 3 zeros in the denominator
Therefore counting left from the ones place we will move three places as there are 3 zeros
= 0.456
In front of the decimal point if there is no number then we write 0 in the beginning
8. Convert 115/100 into decimal.
Now there are 2 zeros in the denominator
Therefore counting left from the ones place we will move two places as there are 2 zeros
= 1.15
9. Convert 75964/10000 into decimal.
Now there are 4 zeros in the denominator
Therefore counting left from the ones place we will move four places as there are 4 zeros
= 7.5964
10. Convert 123660/1000 into decimal.
Now there are 3 zeros in the denominator
Therefore counting left from the ones place we will move three places as there are 3 zeros
= 123.660
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