This topic will deal with changing like fractions into unlike fractions. We know that a decimal number has a whole number part and fractional part separated by a decimal point. Now if there is equal number of places after the decimal point then it is termed as like decimal fractions. Whereas, if is unequal number of places after decimal point then it is termed as unlike fractions.
Now this topic will deal with changing unlike fractions into like fractions. For changing unlike fractions into like fractions first we will try to find out which decimal number has maximum number of places after the decimal point. Then numbers which have less number of places after the decimal point there we will put zeros. Here is an example to illustrate the concept of changing unlike fractions into like fractions.
For Example:
45.213, 5.0123, 256.2350, 410.01, 52.0360, 21.0001
These set of decimal numbers are unlike decimals as unequal number of places after the decimal point. Maximum number of places after the decimal point is 4. However, 45.213 and 410.01 has 2 and 3 places respective after the decimal point. Then we have to write these two numbers as 45.2130 and 410.0100 to make these two decimal fractions like decimal fraction. Hence the answer is:
45.2130, 5.0123, 256.2350, 410.0100, 52.0360, 21.0001
Here are few examples showing conversion of unlike fractions into like fractions:
(i) 45.0263, 12.010, 124.02, 140.12, 32.020
The maximum number of places after decimal point is 4. Hence we will have to add zeros to covert unlike decimals into like decimals
45.0263, 12.0100, 124.0200, 140.1200, 32.0200
(ii) 45.20, 45.02, 56.230, 4.012, 452.013, 52.01, 562.3256
The maximum number of places after decimal point is 4. Hence we will have to add zeros to covert unlike decimals into like decimals
45.2000, 45.0200, 56.2300, 4.0120, 452.0130, 52.0100, 562.3256
(iii) 74.123, 5.014, 65.231, 754.01, 562.365, 451.02, 54.02, 156.324
The maximum number of places after decimal point is 3. Hence we will have to add zeros to covert unlike decimals into like decimals
74.123, 5.014, 65.231, 754.010, 562.365, 451.020, 54.020, 156.324
(iv) 75.243, 152.0326, 58.120, 12.02356, 2.0033, 1.045, 75.0101
The maximum number of places after decimal point is 5. Hence we will have to add zeros to covert unlike decimals into like decimals
75.24300, 152.03260, 58.12000, 12.02356, 2.00330, 1.04500, 75.01010
(v) 7.0124, 1.01, 2.3, 45.021, 53.01, 5.32, 95.01
The maximum number of places after decimal point is 4. Hence we will have to add zeros to covert unlike decimals into like decimals
7.0124, 1.0100, 2.3000, 45.0210, 53.0100, 5.3200, 95.0100
(vi) 78.012, 65.12, 542.012, 5.036, 56.01, 7.01, 56.1
The maximum number of places after decimal point is 3. Hence we will have to add zeros to covert unlike decimals into like decimals
78.012, 65.120, 542.012, 5.036, 56.010, 7.010, 56.100
(vii) 754.123, 56.01, 52.032, 54.01, 53.235, 1021.1
The maximum number of places after decimal point is 3. Hence we will have to add zeros to covert unlike decimals into like decimals
754.123, 56.010, 52.032, 54.010, 53.235, 1021.100
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