Worksheet on what plants can do for us contains the different types of questions on what does plants gives us?
Read the concept to answers the questions on what plants can do.
1. Which group contains on Underground plant parts that are eaten?
(i) Onion, garlic, ginger
(ii) Potato, carrot, tomato
(iii) Onion, potato, brinjal
(iv) Brinjal, tomato, carrot
2. Which of the following has not been correctly matched?
(i) Mustard seeds cooking oil
(ii) Tulsi leaves chocolate
(iii) Neem leaves medicine
(iv) Cotton bolls cloth
3. A tiger eats only other animals. It is an example of:
(i) Herbivore
(ii) Carnivore
(iii) Omnivore
(iv) Vegetarian
4. Fill in the blanks:
(i) Where does the plant make its food?
(ii) Name the three things a plant needs to make its food.
(iii) Where does a plant get carbon dioxide from?
(iv) How does water reach the leaf?
(v) Can a plant make its food at night? Why?
(vi) What goes out of the leaf into the air?
(vii) If the leaf becomes brown and dry, can it still make food?
5. Compete the following:
Plant products Name of plant Parts of plant used
tea tea bush leaves
cooking oil mustard plant __________
__________ cocoa plant beans
sugar sugar cane __________
cough medicine tulsi __________
6. Which of the following words are ‘made from plants’ and ‘not made from plants’:
fresh lime juice, silver chain, cement pot, mango milk-shake, fruit-chaat, paper plate, plastic mug, cotton T-shirt, sewing thread, jute bag, lock and key, betel-nut:
7. Put a tick (√) against the correct sentences.
(i) A plant can make its food in the dark.
(ii) Animals eat plants.
(iii) Some animals also eat other animals.
(iv) Plants must have water to make their food.
(v) Animals can also make their own food.
(vi) Plants store food in their seeds.
(vii) New plants grow from seeds.
(viii) Plants take in oxygen from the ground through their roots.
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