Worksheet on structure of a fruit contains various types of questions.
The important information will help us to the answer the questions given below.
Webbed foot: The foot in which digits (fingers) are joined by thin skin folds.
Thumb pad: A dark colored wart-like structure present at the base of the thumb of the fore limb of a male toad.
Gill: Typical respiratory organ of aquatic animals made up of numerous thin membranous folds and fine blood capillaries.
Hibernation: To avoid extreme cold during winter the animals bury themselves under the soil. This is called winter sleep or hibernation.
Operculum: External cover of gill chamber.
Spiracle: Small pore-like opening of gill
Aestivation: To survive in very hot summer cold-blooded animals go under soil cover. This is called summer sleep on aestivation.
Nictitating membrane: A transparent membrane, present over the eye ball just under the eye lids of amphibians and reptiles.
Cloacal opening or vent: Round aperture through which faeces, urine and germ cells are released.
Tympanum: Thin roundish membrane, which covers the opening of external ear.
Parotid gland: Paired glands, present behind the tympanum, containing poisonous sticky fluid, which is used in self defence.
I. Answer the following questions:
(i) Where do toads lay their eggs?
(ii) What do tadpoles eat?
(iii) What does the nictitating membrane do?
(iv) How does a toad catch a prey?
(v) How does a toad protect itself?
(vi) By which organ an adult toad does breathe?
(vii) Where does the reproduction of toad occur?
II. Choose the correct option and complete the sentence:
(a) Hind leg of a toad has—
(i) four toes
(ii) five clawed toes
(iii) five webbed toes
(iv) four webbed toes
(b) A fish differs from a tadpole because the tadpole does not have—
(i) a neck
(ii) a tail fin
(iii) paired fins
(iv) eyes
(c) Larva of a toad and larva of a butterfly are similar because both—
(i) build hive
(ii) prepare cocoon
(iii) make hole in mud
(iv) undergo metamorphosis
(d) Moist skin is found in—
(i) a toad
(ii) a butterfly
(iii) a queen bee
(iv) a worker bee
III. Fill In the blanks:
(iv) In _________ season toad goes for hibernation.
(v) Webbed feet of a toad help in _________.
(i) Toad is an _________ animal.
(ii) A frog prefers to live in _________.
(vi) Only _________ toad can make a croaking sound.
(iii) Behind the tympanum of a toad _________ gland is situated.
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