Worksheet on stem system contains various types of questions.
Remember the important information to the answer the questions given below.
Leaf lamina: Flat extended portion of a leaf.
Petiole: Small stick like portion that holds the lamina on the stem.
Petiolate leaf: The leaf having a petiole
Sessile leaf: A leaf without petiole.
Venation: The arrangement of veins on a leaf lamina.
Reticulate venation: The venation, where the veins are arranged in the form of a complex network.
Parallel venation: The venation, where the veins are
arranged parallely.
Stipule: Small leaf-like structure present commonly in pair at the base of a petiole.
Simple leaf: A leaf, where a single lamina is present on a petiole.
Compound leaf: A leaf, where lamina divides into a number of small leaflets.
Chlorophyll: A green pigment, present in chloroplast of a plant cell, which takes part in photosynthesis.
Photosynthesis: The process by which green plants synthesize glucose within their body by the combination of water and carbon dioxide in presence of sunlight with the help of chlorophyll.
Stomata: Minute pores present on the surface of leaf lamina.
Transpiration: The process by which plants get rid of excess water from its body in the form of water vapour.
I. Choose the correct answer:
(a) Which of the following functions is performed by a leaf ?
(i) Conduction of water
(ii) Absorption of water
(iii) Conduction of food
(iv) Synthesis of food .
(b) Which of the following features is common between flower and leaf?
(i) Both possess lamina
(ii) Both perform photosynthesis
(iii) Both have petiole
(iv) Both possess leafy structures.
(c) Where do you find stomata?
(i) Roots
(ii) Fruits
(iii) Leaf lamina
(iv) Flower petals
(d) Which part is not found in a sessile leaf?
(i) Lamina
(ii) Stomata
(iii) Petiole
(iv) Skin cells .
II. Fill in the blanks:
(a) The broad flat _______ of leaf is the main site of photosynthesis.
(b) The small stick-like _______ of mango leaf holds its lamina attached to the stem.
(c) Leaf grows from _______ of a stem.
(d) Excess water of a plant goes out as water vapour through the _______ of a leaf.
III. Answer the following questions:
(i) Name two plants in which leaves do not have any petiole.
(ii) Which portion of a plant is called leaf?
(iii) Which part of a leaf does hold the lamina on a stem?
(iv) Write the names of two plants with petiolate leaves found in your locality.
(v) Which part of a stem does a leaf grow from?
(vi) Name two leaves, where veins form a complex network.
(viii) Write the names of two leaves in which veins are arranged parallely.
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