Worksheet on structure of a flower contains various types of questions.
Remember the important information to the answer the questions given below.
Pedicel: Small stick-like structure that holds the flower on the stem.
Thalamus: A disc-like structure situated at the top of the pedicel and holds all the parts of a flower.
Calyx: Outermost cup-shaped green structure on a thalamus.
Sepals: Small leafy units of calyx.
Corolla: The second inner whorl of white or colored leafy structures placed just next to calyx.
Petals: White or colored leafy parts of a
Stamen: Male reproductive organ of a flower.
Filament: Fine thread-like portion of a stamen, which holds the anther.
Anther: The pollen case situated at the top of a filament.
Pollen grains: Fine granular cells in which develops the male gametes.
Carpel: Unit of gynoecium; the female reproductive organ of a flower.
Androecium: The third inner whorl of a flower, composed of male reproductive organs.
Gynoecium: The inner most whorl of a flower composed of female reproductive organs.
Ovary: The swollen base of a carpel, that holds one or more ovules within it.
Style: Long tubular structure emerging from the top of the ovary.
Stigma: Broader apex of the style, which catches the pollen grains during pollination.
I. Match the column:
Column - A (i) Lamina
(ii) Anther (iii) Carpel (iv) Sepal (v) Corolla (vi) Style |
Column - B (a) Stamen
(b) Calyx (c) Petal (d) Leaf (e) Stigma (f) Ovary |
II. Fill in the blanks:
(a) In a female flower we see calyx, corolla and ________.
(b) A stamen has two parts, ________ and filament.
(c) Pollen grains are stored in ________ of a stamen.
(d) The stalk of a flower is called ________.
(e) Ovule of a matured ovary is transformed into ________ of a fruit.
(f) ________ of a flower attracts insects for pollination?
III. Answer the following questions:
1. Which part of a plant does get modified into flower?
2. Name different parts of a complete flower.
3. Write the name of two complete flowers.
4. Name two plants in which male and female flowers are seen separately.
5. Which part of a flower does protect its reproductive organs within a bud?
6. Name the male reproductive organ of a flower.
7. Which part of a flower is treated as the female reproductive organ of a flower?
8. In which part of a flower are the pollen grains stored?
9. Which part of a flower is transformed into fruit?
10. Which parts of a flower are transformed into seeds?
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