Worksheet on simple machine contains various types of questions.
The important information will help us to the answer the questions given below.
Machine: A device, which makes a work easier to do.
Work: Doing a job with the help of energy.
Load: The resistance against any effort given by an object.
Lever: A simple machine with a fulcrum, load arm and effort arm.
Effort: The force applied to a machine to work.
Fulcrum: The pivot of a lever.
Effort arm: Portion between the point of effort
and the fulcrum of a lever.
Load arm: Portion between the point of load and the fulcrum of a lever.
Inclined plane: A slope to lift a load from a lower place to higher place reducing the effort required for the lifting.
Pulley: A simple machine made up of wheel to lift things up.
Wheel: A device, that can rotate freely around a central hub.
I. Choose the correct option of the following:
(a) Which one is a simple machine?
(i) A lever
(ii) A ball bearing
(iii) A calculator
(iv) A cell-phone
(b) To remove a heap of sand, we use—
(i) spoon
(ii) broom
(iii) shovel
(iv) hand
(c) A machine makes work—
(i) harder
(ii) slower
(iii) easier
(iv) simpler
(d) A simple lever has—
(i) one load and load bearing arm
(ii) one load arm and an effort arm
(iii) one effort arm and a fulcrum .
(iv) one load arm, one effort arm and a fulcrum
(e) A crane works with a number of
(i) wheels
(ii) pulleys
(iii) levers
(iv) pulleys and levers
(f) A porter prefers to lift a load on the deck of a truck with—
(i) lever
(ii) wheel
(iii) pulley
(iv) inclined plane
II. Write true or false of the following statements:
(i) We use a machine to finish a job quickly.
(ii) Using more than one pulley at a time, we get more advantage.
(iii) A pair of scissors work as a single lever.
(iv)) The basic component of a pulley is a wheel.
(v) There cannot be any lever without a fulcrum.
III. Fill in the blanks:
(i) To open the lid of a can a spoon acts as a _________.
(ii) The fulcrum of spade is situated at its _________.
(iii) If we prepare a pulley with more than two wheels, we have to apply _________ force to lift an object.
(iv) A double lever, found in a kitchen is _________.
(v) A _________ at the top of a flag post helps the flag to move up smoothly.
IV. Answer the following questions:
(i) Mention names of four simple machines.
(ii) What is a lever?
(iii) Why do we use a wheel?
(iv) Why do we use a pulley?
(v) How many parts does a lever have?
(vi) Where a fulcrum of a lever is situated ?
(vii) What will happen, if the effort arm of a lever is shorter than its load arm?
(viii) How does an inclined plane help us?
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