Worksheet on sanitation and harmful germs contains various types of questions on how our health depends on sanitation, disposal of liquid and solid wastes and prevention of breeding of mosquitoes and the harmful germs which causes diseases.
I. Fill in the blanks:
(i) __________ __________ wastes are called garbage.
(ii) Liquid wastes of the house should be let out to a __________.
(iii) Uncovered dustbins attract __________ and cockroaches.
(iv) Flies carry germs of many __________.
(v) Some waste materials are utilised to make useful __________.
(vi) We use __________ to kill insects.
II. Mark a tick (√) or cross (X) against each given
(i) Microbes are very tiny living creatures.
(ii) We use dustbin to collect domestic garbage.
(iii) Flies carry the diseases causing germs.
(iv) Water wastes should be dumped into open pits.
(v) Harmful and disease causing microbes are called germs.
III. Match the statements with appropriate words on the other side:
(i) Disposal of liquid wastes through covered drainage system is called (a) compost
(ii) Flies are the carriers of (b) microbes
(iii) Malaria is caused by (c) germs
(iv) Solid wastes can be converted into (d) sewage
(v) Tiny living creature are called (e) mosquito
Check the answers of worksheet on sanitation and harmful germs:
I. (i) Domestic solid
(ii) pit
(iii) flies
(iv) diseases
(v) items
(vi) insecticides
II. (i) √
(ii) √
(iii) √
(iv) X
(v) √
III. (i) Disposal of liquid wastes through covered drainage system is called (d) sewage
(ii) Flies are the carriers of (c) germs
(iii) Malaria is caused by (e) mosquito
(iv) Solid wastes can be converted into (a) compost
(v) Tiny living creature are called (b) microbes
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