Worksheet on interdependence of plants and animals contains various types of questions on how plants and animals depend on each other.
We know, human beings depend upon plants and animals for food and other requisites. So, as plants and animals depend on each other.
I. Answer the following questions:
(i) What do the herbivorous animals eat?
(ii) Which kind of animals are called the first order consumers?
(iii) How can we take care of plants?
(iv) How can we take care of domestic animals?
(v) How can we help wild animals?
II. Fill in the
(i) Too much heat and too much cold, both are harmful for___________.
(ii) Plants should get sufficient ___________.
(iii) We should protect the ___________ and plants.
(iv) The ___________ animal should be treated in ___________ hospitals.
(v) National parks have been set up for ___________.
III. There are three alternative answers for each question. Mark (√) the correct one:
1. We should take care of plants and animals, because -
(i) they are living beings.
(ii) they maintain balance in the nature.
(iii) they provide us food.
2. Water is necessary for germination, rapid growth and healthy life of -
(i) plants
(ii) cleanliness
(iii) sunlight
Check the answers of the worksheet on interdependence of plants and animals:
I. (i) Herbivorous animals eat plants and plant-products.
(ii) Plant-eating animals are the first order consumers.
(iii) We should take good care of plants by the following ways:
(a) watering
(b) protecting from heat and cold, insects, diseases etc.
(c) providing sufficient amount of sunlight, manures etc. .
(iv) We should take care of domestic animals by the following ways:
(a) providing airy and lighted sheds
(b) keeping the sheds clean
(c) providing nutritive fodder
(d) giving proper treatment to sick pets.
(v) Wild animals should not be hunted down.
II. (i) plants
(ii) sunlight
(iii) animals
(iv) sick, veterinary
(v) wild life
III. 1. (ii) they maintain balance in the nature.
2. (i) plants
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