Worksheet on good habits contains the various types of questions about the good working habits we need to follow in our daily life.
Read the concept to answers the questions on good habits that help us to grow into good citizens.
I. Answer the following questions:
1. Do you waste your food?
2. Do you talk while taking your meals?
3. What should you do after eating your meal?
4. Write two good habits on road.
5. Write two good habits while eating food.
6. Why do we use zebra crossing?
II. Fill in the
1. Do not eat _________ food.
2. Do not _________ eat.
3. _________ the water tap after use.
4. Learn _________ manners.
5. Do not _________ flowers.
6. Eat slowly and _________ the food well
III. Put a tick (√) against the correct sentences and cross (X) against the wrong ones:
1. Do not follow good habits.
2. Do not talk while eating.
3. Write on the walls.
4. Dustbin should be used for throwing wastes.
5. Do not use zebra crossing while crossing the road.
6. Do not wash your hands before and after every meal.
Check the answers of the worksheet on good working habits:
I. 1. Do not waste food.
2. Do not talk while eating your meals.
3. Wash your hands properly after eating your meal.
4. The two good habits on road are:
(i) Do not throw rubbish or garbage on the road.
(ii) Use zebra crossing while crossing the road.
5. The two good habits while eating food are:
(i) Eat your meal at a fixed time.
(ii) Keep your mouth closed while chewing food.
6. We use zebra crossing while crossing the road.
II. 1. stale
2. over
3. close
4. good
5. pluck
6. chew
III. 1. X
2. √
3. X
4. √
5. X
6. X
Worksheet on Cleanliness of Body Parts
Worksheet on Keep Fit and Healthy
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