Worksheet on food and food preservation contains various types of questions on the Food that helps us to grow, gives energy and protects us from diseases.
We know, proteins help the body to grow. Carbohydrates and fats provide us energy to work. Vitamins protect us from diseases. Mineral salt are necessary for proper biological activities. They give strength to bodily organs. Water is utilized to digest food and throw out unwanted materials from the body as urine and sweat.
I. Match the column:
(i) Iron (a) body-building
(ii) Butter (b) blood
(iii) Preserving food (c) spoil food
(iv) Proteins (d) canning
(v) Germs (e) fat
II. Fill in the
(i) __________ help the child to grow.
(ii) __________ and __________ are carbohydrates.
(iii) Vitamins protect us from __________.
(iv) Balanced diet contains all the __________.
(v) Vegetables should be __________ before cutting.
III. Strike out the wrong word:
(i) Pulses contain __________ (carbohydrates/proteins)
(ii) Vitamins protect us from __________ (rats/diseases)
(iii) __________ (calcium/iron) helps us in making bones.
(iv) Water has no __________ (water/food) value.
IV. Mark a tick (√) or cross (X) against each given statement:
1. Green leafy vegetables are rich in proteins.
2. Iron makes our blood red.
3. Carbohydrates should be eaten for growth.
4. Water is used by the body for digestion.
5. Germs grow in dehydrated food.
V. Answer the following questions:
1. Why do we need food?
2. Why are children asked to eat lots of protein-rich food?
3. How much water does a normal human body need daily?
4. Into which four groups have food items been divided?
5. Name three substances that can be added in the food to preserve it.
6. Water does not contain any nutrients. But still it is important for us. Why?
Check the answers of worksheet on food and food preservation:
I. (i) Iron (b) blood
(ii) Butter (e) fat
(iii) Preserving food (d) canning
(iv) Proteins (a) body-building
(v) Germs (c) spoil food
II. (i) Protein
(ii) Sugar, starch
(iii) disease
(iv) nutrients
(v) washed
III. (i) proteins
(ii) diseases
(iii) calcium
(iv) food
IV. 1. X
2. √
3. X
4. √
5. X
V. 1. We need food for energy, to grow and to fight diseases
2. Children are asked to eat lots of protein-rich food because it helps them to grow.
3. A normal human body needs 3 to 4 liters of water daily.
4. The four groups have food items been divided are protein group, milk group, vegetable and fruit group and cereal group.
5. The three substances that can be added in the food to preserve the food are sugar, salt and oil.
6. Water does not contain any nutrients. But still it is important for us because it helps the body to digest the food, get rid of waste and use the nutrients properly.
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