Worksheet on care of the sense organs contains various types of questions on the organs which help us to see, hear, smell, taste and feel. We know the organs which help us to know the things around us are eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin.
Read the concept to answer the questions on care of the sense organs.
I. Match the following:
(i) smell (a) eye
(ii) sight (b) nose
(iii) touch (c) ear
(iv) sound (d) tongue
(v) taste (e) hand
II. Answer the following question:
(i) What connects the sense organs to the brain?
(ii) Name two important functions performed by the nose.
(iii) How should we take care of our eyes?
III. Fill in the blanks:
(i) The _______ tell us about the shape, size and color of an object.
(ii) The _______ pick up sounds around us.
(iii) _______ on the tongue tell us about the different tastes.
(iv) We should keep our ___________ clean and protect them from damage.
IV. Mark a tick (√) or cross (X) against each given statement:
(i) We should not touch our eyes with dirty fingers.
(ii) We should clean our ears with a sharp or pointed object.
(iii) Use a clean tissue paper or handkerchief to clean your nose.
Check the answers of worksheet on care of the sense organs:
I. (i) smell (b) nose
(ii) sight (a) eye
(iii) touch (e) hand
(iv) sound (c) ear
(v) taste (d) tongue
II. (i) Nerves connects the sense organs to the brain.
(ii) The two important functions performed by the nose are breathing and smelling.
(iii) We should wash our eyes daily with fresh and clean water.
III. (i) eyes
(ii) ears
(iii) taste-buds
(iv) sense organs
IV. (i) √
(ii) X
(iii) √
• The Human Body
Worksheet on Care of the Sense Organs
Worksheet on Hair, Teeth & their Importance
Worksheet on Food for a Healthy Body
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