Worksheet on butterfly contains various types of questions.
The important information will help us to the answer the questions given below.
Pupa: Post larval stage of a butterfly, which stays within a cocoon
Antennae: Paired, jointed, sensory appendages emerging from the forehead of insects.
Molting: The process of shedding old skin of a larva.
Proboscis: Feeding tube for sucking up nectar.
Caterpillar: Worm-like larval stage of a butterfly found during its metamorphosis.
Cocoon: A silken case, within which stays a pupa.
Compound eye: Typical organ of vision of some
insects consists of a number of small visual units with light-sensitive cells.
Spinneret: A tiny cone shaped structure which helps to secrete a fluid from the silk glands.
Imago: An insect that attains the final phase of metamorphosis.
Ommatidium: Very minute visual unit of a compound eye of insects.
I. Answer the following questions:
(i) How does a butterfly take its food?
(ii) What does a butterfly larva eat?
(iii) How is a cocoon formed?
(iv) How many legs are found in an insect?
(v) How many wings are seen in a butterfly?
(vi) Where does a pupa of a butterfly live?
(vii) How does a butterfly take its food?
(viii) What does a butterfly larva eat?
What are the parts the body of a butterfly consists of?
II. Answer the following in a word:
(i) What is the common name of a butterfly larva?
(ii) Where does a pupa rest during its metamorphic transformation?
(iii) By which organ does a butterfly collect nectar?
(iv) How many molting do take place in the larval stage of a butterfly?
(v) Name the respiratory opening of a butterfly.
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