Worksheet on air and its uses contains the different types of questions on importance of air for all living things.
Read the concept to answer the questions on air and its uses.
I. Put a tick (√) against the correct sentences and cross (X) against the wrong sentences.
1. We should cover our face and sleep.
2. We can see the air around us.
3. Air is needed for burning.
4. On heating, water changes to water vapour.
5. It is healthy to breathe in unclean air.
II. Fill in the blanks:
1. Germs can make us ___________.
2. ___________ makes the air impure.
3. ___________ make the air clean.
4. All ___________ things need air to live.
5. Air contains ___________.
III. Answer the following questions:
1. List three properties of air.
2. Why should we plant trees around our house.
3. Name two things into which we can fill air.
4. Name two things that give out smoke on burning.
5. When we hang wet clothes in the sun, they become dry. What happens to the water in the clothes?
Check the answers of worksheet on air and its uses:
I. 1. X
2. X
3. √
4. √
5. X
II. 1. sick
2. Smoke
3. Plants
4. living
5. water vapour
III. 1. The three properties of air are: air fills things, air has weight and air is needed for breathing.
2. We should plant trees around our house because plants make the air fresh and clean.
3. The two things into which we can fill air are balloon and tyre.
4. The two things that give out smoke on burning are candle and match-stick.
5. When we hang wet clothes in the sun, they become dry because water of wet clothes changes into water vapour in the sun.
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