Wild animals live in jungles. Animals like lions, giraffes, tigers and crocodiles are wild animals. They may be big, small or very small.
Some big animals are elephant, tiger, lion, bear, etc.
Some small animals are fox, deer, mouse, rabbit, etc.
Homes of wild animals:
Animals live on land, trees and in water. Some of the animals do not make home for themselves. They live under the shade of trees or in caves.
Some animals like fishes and whale live in water. Some animals like crocodiles and frogs live both in water and on land.
Some animals build their own homes such animals like rats and rabbits dig holes in the ground. The snake lives in a hole underground made by other animals.
Food of wild animals:
Animals have different eating habits.
Plant-eating animals: Some animals like goat, monkey, deer, kangaroo and elephant eat grass, leaves and fruits. They are called plant-eating animals.
Flesh-eating animals: Some animals like tiger, leopard, crocodile and snake kill other animals and eat their flesh. These are called flesh-eating animals.
Some animals eat both plants and animals: Animals like bear and crow eat plants and flesh of other animals.
Some animals eat the flesh of dead animals: Animals like vulture and jackal eat the flesh of dead animals. Such animals help to keep the jungle clean.
Protecting animals:
Many animals like giant panda, Indian rhinoceros and tiger are becoming less in number and may soon disappear. These animals are called endangered animals.
Nowadays, humans are cutting jungles for making homes, factories and roads. Animals are being driven out of their homes. They are being killed for their bones and skin. The number of animals in our world is becoming small. This needs to be stopped. We should protect animals and should not cut trees.
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