The sun affects the daily weather changes. There is very pleasant weather when the sun rises. When it goes up in the sky, it begins to shine brightly. We feel very hot at noon.
In winter we enjoy the sunshine at noon but in summer it becomes unbearable. The scorching sun rays tend to burn us in summer and the land becomes too hot. In evening when the sun goes to the horizon, the hotness subsides. Summer nights are pleasant while the winter nights are very cold. Thus, in every season the weather keeps on changing.
The heat of the sun causes the wind to blow. When the Sun shines brightly, it heats the land. This causes the air above it to get heated up. Warm air is lighter than cold air, so it rises up. Cool air rushes to take its place.
The heat of the sun causes land and sea breezes. In coastal areas the wind blows from the sea to the land during the day. This is called sea breeze. During the night the wind blows from the land to the sea. This is called land breeze. Land and sea breezes occur because of the Sun.
Evaporation and condensation:
Evaporation of water takes place all the time but, it is faster if the water is heated for example, by the Sun.
The water vapour is cooled when it comes in contact with the cool plate. It changes back to water and this is called condensation.
Why does the sea breeze blow during the day?
During the day the land gets heated up more than the water in the sea. The air above the land is warmer and it rises up. Cool air from the sea blows to take its place. So the wind blows from the sea during the day.
Why does the land breeze blow during the night?
At night land cools down faster than water. So the water is warmer than the land. The warm air above water rises up. The cool air above land rushes to take its place. Thus land breeze blow during the night.
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