Decimal numbers are numbers having whole number and fractional part where both parts are separated by decimal point. When there is equal number of places after the decimal point then that decimal fraction is said to be like fraction. Whereas, when there is unequal number of places after decimal point that decimal fraction is said to be unlike fraction.
For example:
74.110, 110.1453
These two numbers are unlike decimal fractions as the first number has 3 places after the decimal point and the second number has 4 places after the decimal point
So, it can be concluded that when there are unequal number of places after the decimal point the number is said to be unlike decimal fraction.
Here is few examples state whether they are like or unlike decimal fraction. Give reasons why?
(i) 456.23, 452.11, 12.021, 50.21, 332.01, 22.01, 74.21
Are unlike fraction as 456.23, 452.11, 12.021, 50.21, 332.01, 22.01 and 74.21 has 2, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2 places respectively after decimal point. If all the numbers had 2 places after the decimal point then the number would have been like decimal fraction.
(ii) 745.012, 45.011, 36.32, 856.025, 3.021, 65.01, 548.21
Are unlike fraction as 745.012, 45.011, 36.32, 856.025, 3.021, 65.01 and 548.21 has 3, 3, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2 places respectively after decimal point.
(iii) 110.01, 101.02, 230.25, 540.12, 1101.23
Are like fractions as all the numbers have equal number of places after the decimal point.
(iv) 5.243, 4.023, 6.471, 9.125
Are like fractions as all the numbers have equal number of places after the decimal point.
(v) 45.021, 5630.24, 5.0221, 752.0124, 456.23
Are unlike fraction as 45.021, 5630.24, 5.0221, 752.0124 and 456.23 has 3, 2, 4, 4, 2 places respectively after decimal point.
(vi) 754.231, 53.012, 56.234, 49.251, 126.235, 45.100
Are like fractions as all the numbers have equal number of places after the decimal point.
(vii) 75.635, 12.045, 4567.021556, 4520.13652, 452.01254
Are unlike fractions as 75.635, 12.045, 4567.021556, 4520.13652 and 452.01254 has 3, 3, 6, 5, 5 places respectively after decimal point.
(viii) 41.0201, 56.023, 412.01251, 754.0121, 3.62301, 451.012
Are unlike fractions as 41.0201, 56.023, 412.01251, 754.0121, 3.62301 and 451.012 has 4, 3, 5, 4, 5, 3 places respectively after decimal point.
(ix) 745.123, 52.0214, 65.32, 854.023
Are unlike fractions as 745.123, 52.0214, 65.32 and 854.023 has 3, 4, 2, 3 places after the decimal point.
(x) 4520.132, 7564.02351, 125.0144200
Are unlike fractions as 4520.132, 7564.02351, 125.0144200 has 3, 5, 7 places after the decimal point.
(xi) 45.001, 25.003, 23.012, 859.654, 2413.0124
Are like fractions as all the numbers have equal number of places after the decimal point.(xii) 85.4210, 9563.0231, 74.0012, 52.0030, 56.0212, 12.3023
Are like fractions as all the numbers have equal number of places after the decimal point.
(xiii) 874.1256, 562.01321, 7594.012, 563.210, 142.02516, 4523.01254
Are unlike fractions as 874.1256, 562.01321, 7594.012, 563.210, 142.02516, 4523.01254 has 4, 5, 3, 3, 5, 5 places after the decimal point.
(xiv) 456.231, 56.124, 56.256, 325.101, 745.012, 256.325
Are like fractions as all the numbers have equal number of places after the decimal point.
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