There are different types of plants. We can see many kinds of plants in different places like school garden, in parks and near our home.
Trees are tall, big and strong plants. They usually live for a long time. Some of them have bright flowers during a few months. Others give us fruit. Many trees have leaves all the year round. Others shed their leaves in winter. Some trees are peepal tree, palm tree, ashok tree, pine tree and neem tree.
Shrubs are smaller than trees. They may be bushy and have many small, woody branches. Some shrubs are hibiscus, lantana, etc.
Small plants, with soft stems are usually called herbs. They do not usually live for a long time. We get many of our vegetables from herbs. Some common herbs are coriander, mint, spinach, tulsi and marigold. We use some herbs like coriander, mint, spinach, etc. for cooking. The leaves of the tulsi give us medicines. Many flowers like the marigold grow on herbs.
Some plants have weak stems.
They cannot stand up on their own. They must climb on a stick or a wall for
support. These plants are called climbers.
Other plants with weak stems crawl along the ground. These are called creepers.
Some common creepers are money plant, watermelon, bitter gourds, etc.
Plants live in many different places. Many plants live on land. Their roots hold them in one place. Some live in hot places. Others may live in cold places. During the cold winter, they lie under the soil. When warmer days come, they push their way up. Suddenly the ground is full of crocus flowers!
In very cold places, trees may shed their leaves in winter. Snow slides off these trees. Their branches do not break. We can see bare tree in a very cold place.
Some plants live in water like lotus. These water plants have long stems under the water. Sometimes they get attached to the bottom of the pond. They usually have large, flat leaves. These float easily on water.
Plants, like thorny cacti grow in hot deserts. They have deep roots. Their stems are fleshy and store water.
Venus fly trap and pitcher plant make a sticky, sugary liquid that insects like. When an insect sits on the plant, it gets stuck to it. The plant traps the insect and eats it.
Now we know about different types of plants that grow in different places and in different seasons and weather.
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