A Conjunction is that Part of Speech in English Grammar that joins or combines two words, phrases or clauses to make a complex sentence.
· Their only function is to connect two elements in a single sentence.
· I would like to see some jewellery in silver and gold. (Join two words)
· I would walk over fire pit and fly through clouds for your sake. ? (Join two phrases)
· I fell in love and we got married soon after. (Join two clauses)
In all the previous examples, the conjunction “and’ is used to join two words, phrases and clauses.
There are primarily three types of Conjunctions that we shall be dealing with:
1. Co-ordinating Conjunctions
2. Sub-ordinating Conjunctions
3. Correlative Conjunctions
1. Co-ordinating Conjunctions:
Such Conjunctions help in joining two equal elements or components of a sentences be it two words, two phrases or two clauses together.
· There are 7 Co-ordinating Conjunctions in totality, and they are best recalled by the acronym ‘FANBOYS’ – For, and, nor, but, or, yet, so
· I would take either the aisle or the window seat.
· I would like you and Rohit to attend my party.
· He is poor but honest.
· He is rich yet humble.
2. Sub-ordinating Conjunctions:
Such conjunctions help to join or combine an Independent clause with a Dependent clause.
· Independent Clauses are those with a Subject and a Verb which can stand on its own while Dependent Clauses are those with a Subject and a Verb which cannot exist on their own.
The list of Subordinating Conjunctions is quite exhaustive. Here is a brief peek:
(Unless, whenever, since, because, if)
· Unless you are allergic to milk, they will not cause lactose intolerance.
· Whenever I see your face, I am reminded of that incident.
· Since you are moving away, I shall not make any further effort to contact you.
· Because of you, I have made several rash decisions in my life.
· If only you had asked me to stay back, things would have been different
3. Correlative Conjunctions
Correlative Conjunctions are those which occur invariably in pairs to joinwords, phrases or clauses to form complex sentences.
· The characteristic feature of Correlative Conjunctions are that never make singular appearance and are always tagged by their characteristic pair.
· Co-ordinating Conjunctions must only be used to balance a sentence not to fuse disparate or unequal ideas.
For Example:
Both / and, Either / or, Neither / nor, Hardly/ when, If / then, Just as / so, Not only / but also, Rather / or, Whether / or.
· Either you finish your homework or you will be served with no dessert.
· He is neither frustrated nor depressed.
· Not only do I love this moviebut I have also read the book umpteen times.
· Both my friends and I enjoy the roller coaster ride.
· Hardly had I set foot out of the house that it started to rain.
· If you choose not to go then I shall take Rina along with me to the party.
· Just as she is important to you, so is my son.
English Grammar and Composition
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