The Civil Rights Movement and Its Effects

The Civil Rights Movement was a decades- long movement with the goals of securing legal rights for the black people. This movement was a struggle for a social justice among the blacks. This was about color complexion. It was happened in between 1950-1968. It was a movement of the African Americans to gain equal rights under the law in the United States.

The civil war had officially omitted slavery but it did not end color hatred or discrimination against blacks. They compelled to tolerate the devastating effects of racism. Specially the south part of United States was highly affected. By the middle of 20th century African Americans faced immense prejudice and violence. They along with   many white started an unprecedented fight for equality. This fight spanned for two decades.

The Civil Rights Movement is also known as the African American Civil Rights Movement. It was a decades-long movement for securing the rights of black Americans or African Americans. It was rooted in the reconstruction era during the late 19th century. The movement gave largest legislative impacts after direct action .The protests organised from the middle 1950-1968. It encompassed strategies, various groups and constructed social movements to fulfil the aims of ending legalized racial torture and indifference in the United States. This movement used various major non-violent campaigns. Eventually it secured new recognition in federal law and federal protection of all Americans.

The March on Washington is a very popular and memorable incident in this context. Various participants and leaders marched from the Washington monument to Lincoln Memorial (1954-1968) in United States. The result of it was many. Such as – ruling by federal judiciary, separate but equal doctrine overturned by Brown V. Board of Education (1954), bus segregation ruled unconstitutional etc.

Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness is a big doctrine about color hatred. King Martin Luther‘s speech “I have a dream’’ is very much linked in addition to the march on Washington.

There are some chronological incidents which includes the history of the Civil Rights Movement. These incidents   are-

Jim Crow Laws

2nd World war and civil rights movement

Rosa Parks

Civil Rights Act of 1957

Woolworth’s Lunch counter

March on Washington

Civil Rights   Act of 1964

Bloody   Sunday

Voting Rights Act of 1965

Civil Rights Leaders assassinated

Fair housing Act of 1968

These several incidents one by one made a successive path to the Civil Rights Movement.

When we focus about the impact of the Civil Rights Movement we can easily say that there is a vast change in Americans’ life than they have 80 years ago they have. American society was deeply moved through this movement. There was improvement in science, technology, health-scheme, legal field and every working field. With its immediate impact the Federal government donated the very power to Civil Rights activists. This movement is an iconic type of history in the book of world’s history. It changed a lot in legislative act. It influenced the world in a vast level. The Civil Rights Law, a Johnson legacy affected the nation too much. It had an impact also in schools and learning. It included in the Civil Rights Laws (U.S-Department of Education). It cleared a message to the world about no indiscrimination in terms of color, race, national origin, sex, disability and age. It put an indiscrimination in the field of education. In a word this movement contributed a new life not only to America but it also supported the other nations equally. Not only had that. The field of literature also enriched just due to this movement. So many songs were written at that period. Much music was composed. In this way in every aspect the Civil Rights Movement is a fruitful revolution. It will be in the universe as a living deed  forever.

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