The changes in the ocean have a great impact in the lives of animals and human-beings. It primarily causes climate change. These changes affect the weather locally and globally. The changes in climate alert many properties of the ocean. The depth of the sea is very much affected just due to the changes in sea life.
Climate change degrades coastal and marine eco –systems. Acidification changes in the weather pattern and water temperature. Though the sea has the vast capacity to absorb heat and carbon dioxide, the physical impacts of climate change on the ocean are now very clear and dramatic. According to 2013 report temperatures in the sea is on alarming rate.
• Our vast ocean is affected due to global warming. Ocean currents are the directed movements on the ocean water. Their changes may cause different things to the sea. As sea is the main source of our weather so it will be never blissful to us. Climate change falls a great impact not only to the surface of the sea but also to the sea floor. There are several factors which are responsible for random climate change. Some indicators indicate the changes in the sea. Such as heat of the ocean is the prime cause of the changes in the ocean. Sea surface temperature, the level of the sea, coastal flooding, and ocean acidity are the other indicators to climate change or the changes in the sea.
• Covering about 70% of the world’s surface, the oceans have a two-way relationship with weather and climate. The ocean affects the weather in general or in universal pattern. The changes in climate can fundamentally alter many properties of the sea. Now a day some of these important characteristics of the oceans have changed over time.
• Three independent analysis prove that amount of heat stored in the sea has increased since the year 1950.Ocean heat not only determines sea surface temperature, but also affects sea level and the currents of the sea.
• During the past three decades sea surface temperatures have been constantly higher than at any other time since reliable observation began in the year 1800. United nation’s climate change conference in 2009 told that eleven of the past 14 years have been the warmest on record; the Arctic ice-cap is melting.
• More civilization means more damage to nature which never creates positive results to man and animals. So world’s is in distress due to such type of modernization. Man’s development efforts made over centuries would result in a claustrophobic climate change. The temperature of the oceans is increasing violently. Rise of 3-4 degree centigrade temperature would ravage the earth; that is continents would run short of water. For that reason the farmland changing into desert; almost fifty percent of all species becoming extinct displacement of untold millions of people, a number of nations submerging under water of oceans.
• Scientists are not blaming man for their doing but they just make an argue or a view that we have a least time to limit this problem and forward steps for earth’s benefit. People should eco-friendly with nature. Their work must be in side of nature. The conference of United Nations in Copenhagen (December 7-18,2009) on climate change had been eagerly awaited across the globe. Kyoto Protocol is the most important agreement in respect to global warming or climate change.
• The issue changes in the oceans are not a local issue but a global one. So all the people of the world should be united to limit that great menace. It is our moral duty for the sake of our existence .
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