Structure of a Sentence

We will discuss here about the basic structure of a sentence.

Sentence structure is the root through a sentence is arranged. The main structure of the sentence is – Subject + verb + object

A sentence is complete with subject, verb & object. This sentience is four in forms. These are simple, complex, compound& compound -complex. A sentence generally has a noun or pronoun –that is subject, a verb. & an object to complete the whole sense.  

Simple sentence:

A simple sentence is always simple in form. It has no clause or phrase. It has only a subject & a finite verb.

For examples:   

I like Sam.

I like to spend time with him.

I love his smile very much.

I want to wait for him.

I know him. 

I believe in his honesty.

His eyes are very beautiful.

He is pure from heart.

He is blessed with inner beauty.

I miss him.

I feel him.

A simple sentence is independent in sense. It has only one independent clause. It does not have any sub-ordinate clause. It focuses on main idea. Suppose-

I have a good friend- this is an example of simple sentence. Here it is independent in sense.

It has an independent clause.

Complex sentence:

A sentence which has a main clause &a sub-ordinate clause is called a complex sentence. A complex sentence can have more than one sub –ordinate or dependentclauses .This type of sentences are fascinating English language. It helps us in increasing writing skill. It has independent clause and dependent clause .Dependent clauses are may be more than one. In this type of sentence also an independent clause is free to stay. An independent clause is ready to serve a complete thought without the help of a sub- ordinate clause. Independent clause is also named as Principal clause.

For examples:

I saw a man who is very honest.

I saw a man whom I considered as friend.

Sam is a boy who needs a job.

Mike is a person who is always in the side of truth.

Sandy is a person who has an eye problem.

I believe that truth conquers all.

I have a great faith that love conquers all.

When the rain starts I enter the house.

Life is playful when I feel it.

Columbus who discovered India died in 1506.

Oil is lighter than water because it floats on water.

A botanist who is a scientist studies plants.

I never thought you are such a lucky.

While making complex sentence we should concentrate on two things- 1. Sequence of tense & 2. Position of sub – ordinate clause.

A complex sentence has three types of sub-ordinate clauses.

These are – (i) Noun clause (ii) Adjective clause (iii) Adverbial Clauses.

For example -

It is certain that you will succeed in the examination (noun clause).

God helps those who help themselves (adjective clause)

Walk on till you reach the goal (adverbial clause).

Compound Sentence:

A compound sentence is a sentence in which there are two or more than two main clauses. There may or may not any sub-ordinate clause.


Sam and I are both job seekers.

Sam teaches science and I teach English.

We need or, and, but like many words to frame compound sentences.

Compound - complex Sentence

This is a mix of compound complex sentence. It has at least two independent clauses & minimum one sub-ordinate clause.

For example:

Tony cried because the ball hit him, I apologized immediately.

English Grammar and Composition

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