The lofty ideals of Simple living and High Thinking has been epitomised by living and dead legends the world across who have inspired billion others by their commitment to a minimalistic way of life , all the while staying true to ennobling ideals that had the power to transform the world to a better place. This rare combination has been preached and practiced by great men of the world who have shown the light to others.
A look back at the annals of history will provide glaring examples of men who have striven to and managed to apply this principle in their daily life and achieved greatness in the process. All the saints like Gautam Buddha and Guru Nanak and Swami Vivekanand and his mentor Ramkrishna Paramhansa, even the Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi are all who jolted the world out of its reverie by their thought process yet remaining intrinsically humble and modest and frugal in their everyday life.
Human desires are a relentless strap. All epics and scriptures warn human of not to be a senseless victim of greed and temptation and stay away from the lure of money, greed and corruption. Falling into this endless trap of wanting more and more makes a man selfish, self-centered and materialistic in his approach with no thought or consideration for others. His ability to think and commit himself to greater values of life gets compromised.
Mahatma Gandhi was always clad in his simple dhoti and still managed to stir the world by his thoughts and his dynamism. His non-violent war against imperialism did not need any embellishment. His thoughts shone through and made him a beacon of hope for the millions of suffering fellow Indians and inspired the likes of Jawaharlal Nehru and other Congressmen who played significant roles later on in the making of new India. ‘Focusing on need rather than greed’ is the mantra, he abided by.
There are other examples too of various social reformist and spiritual leaders who led simple and unsophisticated lives but became the idols of the people as philosophers, poets and leaders. They inspired people to excel not only in spiritual matters but worldly matters, too.
High thinking is beyond self-interest, beyond ego, beyond materialistic thinks and concentrating on altruism, humanism and for the betterment and well-being of the society.
People like Mother Teresa who dedicated their whole lives for the upliftment of the downtrodden and spent their whole lives in nothing but a home spun saree and wanted no riches or comfort for themselves are rare but it is this quality which sets them apart and deigns them to be a Saint. Jesus, Abraham, Lincoln, Albert Einstein, Kabir, Rabindranath Tagore all led extremely simple lives with no frills or gloss, in fact in extreme hardship yet their thoughts were sublimely high which transformed the course of human life.
Today the modern generations has crucified simplicity at the altar of consumerism. It is time for them to re-connect with their rots and find peace in thoughts and actions rather than in pursuing after materialistic pleasure of life.
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