We will discuss about the different precautions for the prevention of diseases and harmful germs.
How should we prevent the breeding of flies, mosquitoes and harmful germs?
Undisposed liquid and solid wastes help in the breeding of insects and harmful germs. We should be careful and take the following precautions for preventing the breeding of flies, mosquitoes and harmful germs.
(i) Waste water should not be allowed to collect anywhere and for a long time. Even small pits should be filled up with soil.
(ii) Water should not be allowed to collect in empty tins, cans, earthen pots or any other pot for a long time.
(iii) Water tanks should be covered and never be left open.
(iv) Drains must be cleaned regularly and daily.
(v) If domestic animals drink water in a trough, we should change the water of the trough regularly.
(vi) Kerosene oil should be sprayed or bleaching powder should be thrown over stagnant water frequently.
How should we prevent diseases?
Breeding of flies, mosquitoes and harmful germs are the cause of various diseases. We can prevent diseases by proper disposal of wastes and by taking the following precautions in cleaning houses and surroundings.
(i) We should use safe water for drinking, cooking and bathing.
(ii) We should keep food and drinking water in clean containers. Food must be covered and mouth of the water container should be covered with lid.
(iii) We should use sanitary latrines and avoid to go in the open for this purposes.
(iv) We should wash our hands fully before taking meals and after passing stools or urine.
(v) We must keep our nails cut and short and also clean.
(vi) We must avoid such food which is exposed to dust and flies.
(vii) Our houses and surroundings should be clean.
(viii) Domestic garbage should be collected in a covered dustbin and then be dumped in a compost-pit. We should never throw garbage in the open.
(ix) We should spray insecticides on insects found in and around our houses.
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