Pollution and Conservation

We will discuss here about the pollution and conservation.

Accumulation of different gases i.e., carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide in atmosphere results in over heating of the Earth and it is known as green house effect. Due to this heat polar ice is melting and sea level is rising and within a few decades many islands and coastal areas will go under sea water.

All living organisms and non-living objects, which surround us in natural condition, form our environment; which includes air, water, soil, atmospheric gases, plants, animals and even the microbes. In an environment living and non-living components always interact with each other but man is the only organism, who interferes with its environment. Due to this interference many harmful changes occur in the environment, these changes are called pollution. The materials and situations, which are responsible for those harmful changes are known as pollutants.

Pollution is directly related to human population. As long as the population was low the environment was clean but with the increase in population we have considerably cut down trees of the forests for different reasons such as, housing and to build industries. As a result the environment has been spoilt. The pollution of four environmental components i.e., air, water, soil and sound have maximum harmful effect on us. We need to prevent the pollution and protect the environment for the survival of mankind.

The forests and the wildlife are also very important components of the environment. Due to urban growth forests are being squeezed, as a result many animals and plants have already become extinct. Now we have to conserve the forest and the wildlife to keep the environment of the Earth green and lively.

Fifth Grade

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