We will discuss about the plant and its stem. Stems are one of the main parts of the plant. Stem of a plant have its own function.
We know that the stem of the plant is just above the ground. Under the ground, roots hold a plant to the soil. But above the ground, stem helps it to stand erect. Plants having weak stems either spread on the ground or stand with support.
We have seen that the stem of balsam plant becomes colored when its roots are placed in colored water. How is it so?
Suppose if we cut off the stem of a balsam plant with a knife and observe the cut portion with a magnifying glass, we can easily see a number of colored spots in the circular cut portion of the stern. These spots are the cross-sections of the fine tubes carrying the colored water.
These fine tubes called as xylem in the stem carry water mixed with minerals
from the root to leaves.
Stem also supports the branches and twigs. The branches and twigs support leaves, flowers and fruits.
Thus the main functions of
the stem of the plant are:
(i) to help the plants to stand or to spread.
(ii) to carry water mixed minerals from roots to leaves.
(iii) to support branches and twigs along with leaves, flowers and fruits.
(iv) to carry the food prepared by the leaves to other parts of the plant.
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