We will discuss about the plant and its roots. Roots are one of the main parts of the plant. We know that roots of a plant remain underground. Roots of a plant have its own function.
Underground roots are very useful for plants.
Roots hold the plant firmly into the soil so that the plant stands erect.
Suppose if we pull out a mustard plant or balsam plant with its roots from the soil and then place the plant to stand erect, we see that the plant falls down. From here we understand one function of the roots is that the roots holding the plant firmly in the soil.
Roots also help the plants to grow.
Suppose if we
take two plant-pots filled with soil and manure. We also take two plants one
having its roots and the other without roots. Now in one pot the plant having
roots is planted and in the other, that without roots. Both the plants are
watered regularly.
After a few days, we find the plant having roots becoming green and fresh while the other plant having no roots, fades. From here we understand that the roots are helpful for the growth of the plant. They provide mineral mixed water to the plant from the soil.
Does roots of balsam plant sucks colored water?
Pull out a balsam plant with its roots. Wash away the soil stuck to the roots. Now take colored water in a jar and place the plant in it with its roots submerged. After about two hours we will notice that the stem of the plant has become colored. This colored water has come from the jar. It is sucked in by the roots and sent up to the leaves through the stem.
Thus, roots of the plants absorb minerals mixed water from the soil and send it to the upper parts of the plants. Without roots, plants cannot get water and minerals from the soil.
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