Passive Voice – Future Conditional

The Passive Voice is a grammatical structure in which the Object of an Active Voice sentence appears as the Subject on whom the Verb is acted upon.


Active:                  Our army defeated the infiltrators.

Passive:               The infiltrators were defeated by the army.


·         It is mostly used when the importance is to be focussed on the action rather than the initiator of the action.

·         It is also used in case when the doer of the action is not important or known.


1.       My car was stolen.

2.       The house was ransacked.

  • It also lends a euphemistic undertone to an otherwise blunt statement.


1.       A mistake has been committed.

2.       An offence has taken place.


Apart from the three major rules to be followed for changing an Active Voice sentence to a Passive Voice:

1.       The Object of the Active Voice sentence becomes the Subject.

2.       The finite form of the Verb is changed to V3 or past participle.

3.       The Subject of the Active sentence becomes the Object in Passive sentence or is completely dropped.



Future Conditional Sentences

  • They are used to express something that might happen in the future if certain conditions are fulfilled.

Example: If I go to the park tomorrow, I will finish five laps.

  • The use of the comma at the end of the first clause is crucial here, since it creates a dependent clause.
  • The order of the sentences may be rearranged by writing:


1.       I will finish five laps if I go to the park tomorrow.

2.       You will be very happy if you marry the girl you love.

3.       If I buy that house, I will be delighted.

  • It is different from other conditional sentences since the future remains uncertain.
  • The future conditional makes use of the modal ‘will’. Other modals like ‘might’, ‘should’, ‘must’, ‘ can’ may also be used.

For Example:

1.       If I go to the party, I will wear the blue dress.  (Possibility of the action taking place, though not certain)


2.       When I go visit my grandmother, I will buy her a new saree. (Possibility of the action taking place, though timing is not certain).


Sentence Structure of Conditional Sentences

(Case 1)

Active:      If +S+V1(s/es) + object + ROTC +, +S+will+V1+Object + ROTS.

Example:   If I write the book, I will get a hefty royalty.

Passive:     If + S + be (verb) + V3 +by phrase, + S + will be + V3 + ROTS.

Example:    If the book is written (by me), I will be given a hefty royalty.


(Case 2)

Active: If + S + V2 + Object + ROTC, +S + would/ could + V1 + Object + ROTS

Example: If the teacher read my essay, he would grade me with high scores.

Passive: If + S+ be2 + V3 + by phrase, +S + would/ could + be + V3 + ROTS.

Example: If the essay was read by my teacher, I would be graded with high scores.


(Case 3)

Active:     If + S+ had + V3 + ROTC, + S + would/ could/ have +V3 + ROTS.

Example:   If I had done my preparation, I could have realized my goal.

Passive: If + S+ had been + V3 + by phrase, + S + would/could + have + been+ V3 + ROTS.

Example: If the preparation had been done by me, the goal could have been realized.

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