This topic will discuss about numerical expressions involving whole numbers. In numerical expressions there will be various operations that are to be performed like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We know that whole numbers are positive integers including zero. Therefore, we would follow the BODMAS rule in solving the numerical expressions involving whole numbers.
We have learnt in previous subtopics the meaning of the extended meaning of BODMAS.
B = Brackets
O = Of
D = Divison
M = Multiplication
A = Addition
S = Subtraction
Here are few examples to illustrate numerical expressions involving whole numbers following BODMAS rule:
1. 20 + 10 × 60 ÷ 6 + 3
20 + 10 × 60 ÷ 6 + 3
= 20 + 10 × 10 + 3
= 20 + 100 + 3
We will first do division (i.e. 60/6 = 10), then multiplication (i.e. 10 multiplied by 10 = 100), then followed by addition. Then we will add 20, 100 and 3 to get the final answer as 123.
2. 56 ÷ 8 + 23 – 8 × 0
56 ÷ 8 + 23 – 8 × 0
= 7 + 23 – 8 × 0
= 7 + 23 – 0
= 30 – 0
= 30
We will first divide 56 by 8 to get 7 then we will do multiplication that is 8 multiplied by 0 is 0 leaving the addition and subtraction part as it is. Now we have 7 + 23 – 0, so we will first add 7 and 23 to get 30 and then subtract 0 from it to get 30 as final answer.
3. 3 × 4 ÷ 2 + 6 – 7 × 1
3 × 4 ÷ 2 + 6 – 7 × 1
= 3 × 2 + 6 – 7 × 1
= 6 + 6 – 7
= 12 – 7
= 5
First carry out division (i.e. 4 divided by 2), then there are two operation on multiplication. We will complete those two multiplication first after the division leaving other addition and subtraction as it is. After completing the two multiplication we have 6 + 6 – 7. We will first add both the 6’s to get 12 then subtract 7 from it. The final result is 5.
4. 78 +26 – 23 × 0 + 49 of 7 ÷ 49
78 + 26 – 23 × 0 + 49 of 7 ÷ 49
= 78 + 26 – 23 × 0 + 343 ÷ 49
= 78 + 26 – 23 × 0 + 7
= 78 + 26 – 0 +7
= 78 + 26 +7 – 0
= 111 – 0
= 111
First do the ‘Of’ function which is actually nothing but multiplication (i.e. 49 of 7 to get 343). Then 343 is divided by 49 to get7. Next is multiplication (i.e. 23 multiplied by 0). Then followed by addition (i.e. 78 + 26 + 7 to get 111) and finally subtraction (i.e. 0 subtracted from 111 is 111).
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