We will learn about the nesting habits of some birds. Birds are among a few other animals, who, build their own homes. Different birds make different types of nests. Their nesting places also vary. They build nests to lay eggs in and raise their young ones.
Let us study about their homes.
Sparrows and pigeons:
The sparrow and pigeon make their nests with grass, leaves, feathers, etc. They make them on trees or in houses, at any safe place.
A bulbul’s nest can be found in hedges and bushes. The nest is cup-shaped. This prevents eggs or baby birds from falling out.
The nest is made of dried grass and leaves. The bird uses its beak to make a nest which is hollow inside. The nest is made on the ground in the bushes or in tall grass to keep it safe from enemies.
Weaver bird:
The weaver bird uses dry twigs, grass, fine pieces of straw to make a very big and strong nest by pulling the grass in and out. The nest hangs from the branch of a tree. The bird enters and comes out through a tunnel-like opening at the end of the nest.
Tailor bird:
The tailor bird makes their nests with long leaves. They stitch two large leaves together with bit of thread, straw and dry twigs. The nest is lined with material like cotton, wool, grass and hair to keep the nest cosy.
The woodpecker makes holes in the trunks with their chisel-like beaks to make their nests. They use chips of wood to make their nests warm and cosy.
The owl makes their nests in the hollows of trees or on walls. The nest is lined within, to keep it soft. They put feathers and grass in their nests to keep them warm.
Here are some birds who do not build nests.
Cuckoos are lazy birds. They do not build their own nests. They lay their eggs in nests of other birds.
The penguin too, does not build a nest. It lays its egg on a platform of stones on the ground. The male penguin then holds the egg between its feet and lower belly and hatches
The koel is a clever but very lazy bird. It does not build its own nest. It lays its eggs in the nest of a crow when the crow is away. The crow takes care of these eggs thinking that they are its own eggs. It even feeds the baby birds on hatching.
Birds take care of their young ones.
Once all the eggs are laid, the parents guard the nest. Soon, baby birds hatch out of the eggs. They are tiny and weak. The parents feed them and protect them from enemies. Once the baby birds grow big, they fly off with their parents.
Animals and its Feeding Habits
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