Music Effects on Human Body

“If music be the food for soul, play on”. Words immortalised by the Bard himself in The Twelfth stands testimony to the timeless appeal of this ultimate art form on human consciousness.

Down the years evolved cultures across the globe have sung paeans on the intrinsic potency of Music. Napoleon eulogised “For every age and every situation, music consoles, pleases, disturbs delightfully. Music is the soul of love, the sweetness of life, the consolation of sorrow and the companion of innocence”.

Music is akin to prayers. The faith and belief in both have the power to heal, transform and resurrect.

Even an unborn child in the womb is not impervious to the soporiferous magic of music as it lulls to slumber, comforted by the sound of amniotic fluid waves and the rhythmic heartbeat of its mother. The need for music is inbred in us and not surprising then, the best way to comfort a cranky baby who could not otherwise be calmed is comforted by playing some white music in a loop.

Music is therapeutic. Its analgesic and anxiolytic properties makes it the ultimate mood up lifter, pain regulator, relaxant and able to bring about behavioural and attitudinal transformations where words fail to preach. This is scientifically because music reaches the remotest cells in our brain which is otherwise inaccessible and thus promotes creativity, retention of memory and helps in repair and rejuvenation of damaged or dormant brain cells. Doctors have found music to have profound bearing on patients suffering from ailments as serious as depression, schizophrenia, even those who have sunk into a state of coma.

Under the positive influence of music played at moderate volume fatigue is checked, pulse and pulmonary valves modulated and blood pressure brought under control. Testosterone levels show an increase and libido improves. Playing music while exercising keeps fatigue at bay and further pushes endurancelimit.

Those who play, practise or indulge in active music are benefitted even more with music found to have enhanced their non-verbal skills, brain functionality and stocks of vocabulary. Plato, Kent and Aristotle recognized its potency and advocated its use for medicinal purpose. The ancient Greeks were led to believe that Apollo, the Sun-God helmed the reins of both music and healing, so closely are they connected.

The amazing and scientifically proven benefit of music leads us to decipher the manner in which music affects our physical, mental and emotional consciousness. Human body is amazingly resilient. Left to its own, it starts secreting hormones to combat and heal itself. Music acts as the trigger that accelerates the secretion of these hormones as and when required. Long road trips demand loud music that send a rush of adrenalin and keep sleep at bay while insomniacs, babies and anxiety prone beings require soft, soothing music to reduce noradrenaline in their system which helps to calm them. Romance calls for serotonin, the feel good hormone to be released in accompaniment to some soft, romantic numbers. Music makes the brain more capable enough to process information that is already stored, provided it is played at an ideal beat per minute. Anything excess can lead to muscle fatigue, degeneration of muscle and brain power.

Music is eternal, timeless and food for soul. The range of people who benefitted from its miraculous properties have come from all walks of life. Whether be it Thomas Jefferson taking its refuge while penning the words of the American Declaration of Independence or Einstein playing his violin while figuring his equations, music has forever proved to be a worthy consort. 

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