Most of the living things can move. We walk to different places. We can hop, skip, jump, run and walk.
Animals too walk and run. A dog wanders here and there. A bird flies in the air. A deer runs very fast in the forest. A fish can swim in the water.
Most of the living things move on their own. We may think that some living things like plants cannot move. It is true that plants do not move like us or animals. But, we can observe movements of some of the plants through their parts. We have seen a sunflower; it turns its face towards the Sun. We can also observe the movement of the leaves of a touch me-not plant when we touch it.
Now if we think about any non-living thing which can move then we can think about cars, buses or trains. They can move, but still they are non-living things.
Why cars, buses or trains are non-living things?
Cars, buses or trains moves on the road. It requires our help to do so. Cars, buses or trains are not living things. Because they cannot move on their own, they can only move with our help. They move only through some external force.
Things like mountains, buildings cannot move. So, living things move on their own but our toys cannot run or jump.
Living Things Need Food and Water
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