This topic would discuss about like decimal fractions. Decimal number contains a whole number and fractional part separated by a decimal point. Now when there is equal number of places after decimal point it is said as like decimal fraction. However, the number of places before decimal point does not matter in determination of like decimal fractions.
For example:
(i) 45.002, 631.235
These two numbers are like decimal fractions as they have equal number of places after the decimal point.
(ii) 12.002, 852.0096
These two numbers are not like decimal fraction as the first number has three places after the decimal point and the second number has 4 places after the decimal point.
Here are few more examples to determine whether the following decimals are like decimal fractions or not? State clearly why they are or they are not like decimal fractions:
(i) 7.0845, 78.550, 556.01, 2365.10, 124.01, 623.332
Are not like decimal fractions as there are not equal number of places after decimal point.
(ii) 45.002, 65.003, 85.951, 652.241, 363.047
All are like decimal fraction as all the numbers have 3 places after the decimal point.
(iii) 471.0238, 1.02, 5.036, 362.014, 752.014, 965.023
Are not like decimal fractions as there are not equal number of places after decimal point.
(iv) 745.0123, 541.0020, 6385.0023, 321.04040
Are not like decimal fractions as there are not equal number of places after decimal point.
(v) 784.0210, 45.0101, 23.2500, 65.0113, 8564.0211
All are like decimal fraction as all the numbers have 4 places after the decimal point.
(vi) 456.235, 123.0147, 854.123, 635.0125, 699.006
Are not like decimal fractions as there are not equal number of places after decimal point.
(vii) 854.012, 25.001, 2.0, 256, 754.01, 2365.012, 3.25, 95.014
Are not like decimal fractions as there are not equal number of places after decimal point.
(viii) 754.256, 65.023, 478.456, 258.130
All are like decimal fraction as all the numbers have 3 places after the decimal point.
(ix) 748.1254, 953, 456.23, 4584.012, 56.34, 5656.001, 4563.0231
Are not like decimal fractions as there are not equal number of places after decimal point.
(x) 45.001, 54.002, 95.043, 5.247, 33.165, 754.123
All are like decimal fraction as all the numbers have 3 places after the decimal point.
(xi) 471.023, 582.103, 65.0254, 63.0125, 74.0123, 14.0125
Are not like decimal fractions as there are not equal number of places after decimal point.
(xii) 754.235, 124.365, 582.456, 754.158, 965.258
All are like decimal fraction as all the numbers have 3 places after the decimal point.
(xiii) 52.325, 451.214, 965.423, 74.123, 74.124
All are like decimal fraction as all the numbers have 3 places after the decimal point
(xiv) 745.120, 65.325, 65.124, 356.140, 450.123, 854.146
All are like decimal fraction as all the numbers have 3 places after the decimal point
(xv) 410.125, 445.150, 96.235, 2.0010, 6.25301, 7.02561
Are not like decimal fractions as there are not equal number of places after decimal point.
(xvi) 7542.0132, 452.132, 54.365, 41.0132, 526.258, 63.025
Are not like decimal fractions as there are not equal number of places after decimal point.
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