The leaf and its function form an important part of a plant because it produces food for the whole plant.
Most plants have green leaves and it grows on the branches of a plant. They differ in size and shape. The green color of a leaf is due to chlorophyll.
The flat part of a leaf is called the leaf blade. Let us look at the fine lines at the upper part on the leaf carefully. It is smooth and darker in color than the lower part. When we examine the lower side we will find it rougher and lighter in color. The fine lines on the leaf are the veins of a leaf. In the middle of the leaf blade, we can see the main vein. We can also see many smaller and thinner veins connected to the main vein. They are called the side veins. The veins give support to the leaf. The leaves get water through these veins.
On the underside of a leaf blade, are tiny pores. They are called stomata. The plant breathes in air through the stomata. The extra water is released through the stomata.
Function of a leaf:
The main function of a leaf is to make food for the plant.
A leaf makes food in the presence of sunlight, using water, carbon dioxide and chlorophyll. This process is called photosynthesis.
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