Kinds of Sentences

What are the kinds of sentences?

Depending on sense sentences are divided into five groups.

They are - assertive sentence, imperative sentence, interrogative sentence, exclamatory sentence and optative sentence.

In the basis of affirmation& negation   sentences are of two kinds. These are – Affirmative & Negative.

Assertive Sentence:

When we asserts or states something then it is called assertive sentence. It is also called declarative sentence.

For example:

1st may is Sam’s birthday.

Sam is a lovely boy.

His smile is very pure.

He is an honest fellow.

He respects everyone.

These five sentences are all assertive sentence. It can be affirmative. It can be negative.

For example:

He is my friend.

He is not my enemy.

Sentence structure of this type of sentence is-subject + verb + object + (preposition, others).

For example:

I eat rice with vegetable.

In our need we can enlarge or shorten a sentence with the help of preposition or other parts of speech. In the case of third person singular number an ‘s’  is joined with the verb when present indefinite tense is made.

Imperative sentence:

Imperative sentence is that type of sentence where subject is omitted. In this type of sentence object is an important one. Here an order, a request is made through the sentence. The sentence structure of this type of sentence is –verb + object

For example- Call me.

Verb + where

For example- Play in the field.

In imperative sentence subject you is always omitted. Through this type of sentence we can also denotes advice& proposal.

For example:

Always speak the truth.

Let us go for a walk.

Imperative sentence donates a command. Imperative sentence is always in present tense

Some examples:     

Close the window.

Have a cup of coffee.

Shut the door.

Interrogative sentence:

Interrogative sentence is purely a question. In order to make interrogative sentence there are three rules-

If ‘be’ verb ,’have’ verb, shall, should, will, would, can, may, might are present then  in interrogative sentence verb is  placed before the subject.

For example:

Ben is your Friend.

Is Ben your friend?

Excepting the above listed verbs if there are any other  verb then `do ` verb is needed to make interrogative sentence. This ‘do’ will be changed according to tense & person.

For example: Does Shelly sings well?

Who, whose, whom, which, what, why, when, where, how, how much, how many- such type of wh words are always sit in front of the sentence.

For example:

What is your name?

If ‘who’ is itself a subject then there is no need to add auxiliary verb ‘do’.

For example

What makes you happy?

Some examples-who are you?

Whose friend are you?

Who do you like the most?

By whom are you influenced the most?

Which flowers do you like the most?

Which gift do you want in your upcoming birthday?

Why are you silent?

Exclamatory sentence:

When we exclaims with sudden joy or sorrow then it becomes an exclamatory sentence. As the definition says an exclamatory sentence has   the capacity to denote extreme happiness, regret etc. There are two ways of making exclamatory sentence.

They are –

1. Sentence beginning with ‘exclamatory’ words.

For example- Hurrah! We have won the match.

2. Sentence beginning with ‘wh’ words.

For example- What a joy with the person!

Affirmative Sentence- when we express positive sense, it is affirmative sentence.

For example- I do the work.

Negative Sentence – When we use negative sense, it becomes negative sentence. It needs a ‘not’ in the sentence.

For example- I don’t do the work.

In interrogative sentence (in negative form) ‘not’ is used before noun & after pronoun.

For example- Did not Sur play well?

Are you not happy?

Optative sentence:

It means a wish or a prayer. The rule of making such type of sentences-

May + assertive

For example- May you be happy.

Sometimes ‘may’ verb is omitted.

For example: Long live revolution

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