How to keep fit and healthy?
To stay fit and healthy it’s very important to exercise, play and also take adequate rest every day. Children should take care of their health. Their body should be fit and healthy. A healthy body has a healthy mind. We need healthy body to work properly. A healthy mind is necessary to gain knowledge.
We will learn some important points to keep fit and healthy we must take healthy food, keep our body and surrounding clean, play, take exercise and rest.
‘Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise’
Playing games is an important activity for children. We should play in open places such as a park, a garden or a playground, etc. We should play in the morning or in the evening daily for some time. Playing is really a fun for all. It makes our body and mind fit and healthy. Playing is a good exercise.
Exercise and Yoga:
Exercise and Yoga also keep our body fit and healthy. We should exercise daily in the morning. We should exercise at an open and airy place. Exercise makes our body active, fit and makes our body strong. Running and walking are good exercises. Walking early in the morning is good for health. Breathe through nose and not through your mouth while doing exercise.
Sleep and rest:
Sleep and rest are essential for good health. We need rest after work and play. Rest refreshes our mind. Sleep gives us good rest. We should daily sleep for 8 to 10 hours every night. We should go to bed early in the night and get up early in the morning. We should not sleep with face covered. Keep the windows of the room open while sleeping.
Correct posture also helps us to keep fit. We should sit straight. We should also stand and walk in correct posture. We should not bend our back while walking on the road. While reading, we should sit straight with our head up.
Recreation means amusement. It refreshes our body and mind. Watching television, listening music, visiting zoo or parks, reading storybooks etc. are the means of recreation.
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Worksheet on Keep Fit and Healthy
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