We will discuss here about the insects that lay eggs. All insects lay eggs.
The egg consists of a hard protective outer shell. Inside the shell there is a thick white colored liquid called albumin or egg white. Inside the eggs-white there is a yellow round yolk.
The eggs are hatched by the concerning insects. The egg (yolk) takes the shape of the insect in a few days due to proper hatching. The young one comes out at the end the hatching period. Many of them go through several stages before changing into adults.
The following are some of the egg-laying insects:
Cockroaches are insects and they lay eggs and pass through three stages in their life cycle.
The baby cockroach that hatches out from an egg looks like the adult
cockroach except that it does not have wings. It is called the nymph. It
sheds its skin several times and changes into an adult cockroach.
Shedding of old skin is called moulting.
Insects like grasshoppers, locusts and termites also go through these three stages.
Butterflies and moths go through four stages in their life cycle before becoming adults. An insect lays eggs usually on leaves of a plant. The female butterfly lays eggs in clusters on the under part of a leaf.
The eggs hatch into young called larvae. They look like worms. The larva of a butterfly is called caterpillar. It looks very different from a butterfly. Larva is very active. The caterpillar eats leaves and grows quickly. It then forms a shell called a cocoon round its body. This stage is called pupa. Inside the pupa the caterpillar slowly changes its shape. An adult butterfly finally comes out of the pupa.
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