The fact that even in this 21st century, we are talking about ‘Girl Education’ , as a separate topic needing exposition is in itself an anachronism. Education, is the right of every individual regardless of his / her social standing, economic status, race, religion, caste or gender. However, it is a bitter truth that in developing countries like India and it sub-continental neighbors and some Arab and African countries, education of women is still lagging far behind and not awarded the same importance or significance, as their male counterparts. What Malala Yousafzi, has brought to the forefront of global consciousness at great peril to her personal safety, let us not dilute in the pages of history.
School is the place of initiation where beyond the realm of formal education, for the first time children get a place to hear their voices, make their opinions and grab chances to lead and work as a team. All the women, who are 1.5 times more than the ratio of boys, who remain uneducated remain outside this orbit and not get a chance to exercise this charge in their homes, communities and nation.
An African proverb puts it across so succinctly when it says: “If we educate a boy, we educate one person. If we educate a girl, we educate a family and a whole nation”
However the road ahead is not easy. What is needed is a complete overhaul of the existing system of education by making it more flexible in terms of schedule and curriculum, better access to schools within a close radius, parental and societal awakening, and a low-cost academic programme which is suited to provide girls with learning skills and vocational skills , leading to their become self-reliant.
The aim of every nation should be to provide equal opportunities to girls to gain access to safe, relevant and gender–transformative education, so that they may assert their voices and be heard.
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