We will discuss here about the functions of flower. Different parts of a flower perform different but specific functions.
(i) Role of calyx: Calyx covers and protects all other parts of flower within a bud.
(ii) Role of corolla: Corolla is also a protective floral member. It protects androecium and gynoecium of a flower.
In some flowers the corolla are colorful. Some other flowers have nectar and scent glands at the base of the corolla. These corolla attract insects towards the flower and these insects help in pollination while visiting flowers.
(iii) Role of androecium: Production and storage of pollen grains are the main two functions of androecium. It is the male reproductive organ of a flower.
(iv) Role of gynoecium: Gynoecium is the female reproductive organ of a plant. It holds ovary, which is transformed into fruit after fertilization. The ovules within the ovary are modified into seeds.
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