We know, first aid is the first help that an injured person needs. Our awareness can save the life of a seriously injured person. Our carefulness can minimize the accidents.
First aid is the medical help which an injured person gets at once. Keep these things in the mind while giving first aid to an injured person.
(i) Do not make a crowd around the hurt person.
(ii) Lay the injured person carefully in the shade and give him/her a little water to drink.
(iii) If we notice any bleeding, wash the wound with clean water. Press the wound and tie a clean handkerchief or bandage tightly over it to stop the bleeding. Always keep the wounded part high.
(iv) Ask an adult to take the injured person to a doctor or
some hospital and to inform his/her family.
(v) If injury is serious, do not give any first aid. Let it be treated by some specialist doctor at once.
Sometimes our awareness can save the life of a seriously injured person.
Safety Rules in the Playground
Clean and Hygienic SurroundingsFeb 27, 25 02:07 PM
Dec 02, 24 12:09 AM
Jun 06, 24 10:40 AM
Feb 18, 24 01:56 PM
Feb 04, 24 01:57 PM
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