We have already learnt the method of finding highest common factor using division method. Here are few more examples given to clear your understanding, concepts and improve your knowledge on how to find H.C.F. this topic would provide a wide range of examples will help the learners in solving their worksheets.
Few examples illustrated on finding highest common factor using division method:
1. Find the Highest Common factor of 480 and 1000 by using division method
The H.C.F of 480 and 1000 is 40
Here 1000 is the larger number and 480 is the smaller number hence 1000 is divided by 480 and the remainder is 40. Then this remainder becomes the divisor for the next loop of division and 480 becomes the dividend and the remainder is 0. Hence 40 becomes the highest common factor as it is the last divisor.
2. Find the Highest Common factor of 54 and 450 by using division method
The H.C.F of 54 and 450 is 18
Here 54 is the divisor and 450 is the dividend as 54 is the smaller number and 450 is the larger number. On dividing we get 18 as the remainder and hence 18 becomes the divisor and the divisor of the last division becomes the dividend (i. e. 54). On dividing 54 by 18 the remainder is 0 and hence, 18 is the H.C.F.
3. Find the Highest Common factor of 280 and 360 by using division method
The H.C.F of 280 and 360 is 40
Here 280 is the smaller number and 360 is the larger hence 360 is divided by 280 the remainder is 80. In the next loop of division 80 is the divisor and 280 (divisor of first loop of division) is the dividend. In the 2nd loop of division 40 is the remainder and became the divisor for the third loop of division and the dividend in this loop of division is 80. Then 80 divided by 40 is 2 and the remainder is 0. Hence, 40 is the last divisor of third loop of division and is the H.C.F.
4. Find the Highest Common factor of 550 and 1200 by using division method
The H.C.F of 550 and 1200 is 50
Here in this example 550 is the smaller number and 1200 is the larger number. Hence, 1200 is divided by 550 and the remainder is 100. This 100 becomes the divisor the second loop of division. In the second loop of division 550 (the divisor of first loop of division) is the dividend. Hence, 550 is divided by 100 and 50 is the remainder. This 50 becomes the divisor for the third loop of division and 100 becomes the dividend. Hence, 100 divided by 50 is 2 with no remainder. Hence, the process ends here and 50 is the H.C.F as it is the last divisor.
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