We will discuss about the conscious of energy crisis. The demand for natural resources has increased due to ever increasing human population. We are to make sure that natural resources are not consumed beyond their capacity for renewal. Thus conservation of natural resources is essential to ensure the survival of life in all its form on the Earth.
In earlier days, human population was much less than it is today. In those days people used to go long distance on foot. They used bullock-carts or horses for travelling longer distances. Crop fields were ploughed by bulls. Wood and cow-dung cakes were used as domestic fuel. So the necessity of conventional fuels like coal, petrol and diesel was almost nil. But in recent days human population has increased. Science and technology has much developed. Now we use motor cars, buses to travel. Big ships and motor launches ply in seas and rivers. Aero-planes fly in the sky. All of these need either petrol or diesel or natural gas as fuel.
Coal is used in power plants, factories and for domestic cooking as a main fuel. But the underground reserves of coal and petroleum are diminishing every day. Soon this stock will be finished. In that case we shall not be in a position to generate electricity and without electricity modem civilization will come to a standstill. So scientists have discovered some non-conventional sources of energy to generate electricity and heat. Solar energy is used to generate electricity. Solar heaters are now widely used for water heating. Several hundreds of wind turbines (mills) are erected along the coast. These turbines are tall towers fitted with propeller-like blades, which rotate as the wind blows and generate electricity. This electricity is used for irrigation and other purposes. Organic gas is produced in specially built plants from cow-dung. This gas is now used as cooking gas by many Indian villagers. This is also used for lighting gas lamps. In hills, water current in rivers is utilized to generate electricity. Thus we can conserve the conventional fuels by utilizing those non-conventional forms of energy.
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